Artists' impressions of the American flag
by KOD Staff
America’s stars and stripes are iconic and controversial. The flag hints at the American dream –promising opportunity, social mobility and progress. But the global superpower is divisive in its political policies, with news sites and newspapers dripping with opinions on drones or Obamacare. As always, artists jump to join the debate, using the flag as a symbol of how they see America– from Robert Longo’s concrete comments on blackened authority to Faith Ringold’s paintings on race and gender.
Andy Warhol by Alberto Schommer
Keith Haring, 'American Music Festival - New York City Ballet', 1988
Jasper Johns, 'Three Flags', 1958
Jonathan Horowitz, 'Two Rainbow American Flags for Jasper in the Style of the Artist's Boyfriend', 2011
Peter Kennard, 'The Kissinger Mind', 1979
Andrew Schoultz,'Gold Dripping American Flag', 2013
Saber, 2010
Martin Parr, 'Miami', 1998
Nam June,'Video Flag Z', 1986
Robert Longo, 'Black Flag: When the Hurlyburly's Done, William Shakespeare', 1988